How do I make an object act as a transparent PNG mask in my final render?

I’d like to make it so the green rectangle acts a “negative space”, making the render transparent wherever it appears on screen, kind of like this:

How do I do this? Thanks in advance.

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Won’t work, sadly. I’m using Evee. Thanks for the reply though.

I know there is a way. I did it just days ago. I wish I remembered how. I recall another way involving multiple scenes too, but I also can’t recall the way it was accomplished. All I remember, is that when I did it, ( on accident ) I was trying to make a shadow catcher in eevee.

Holdout shader:


Cryptomattes are working in Eevee ! But the houldout shader will be much simpler in that case !
That’s the way to go IMO !

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I see, thanks for telling. The article linked mentioned it only worked with Cycles

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This works, thank you.


yes it was probably a bit outdated, indeed Cryptomattes comes in latter. It’s hard to follow with blender, every weeks there are a bunch of new features added :smiley:

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