How do I make large, realistic, natural environments?

How do I make large, photorealistic, natural environments? Can someone recommend a video tutorial for this?

This includes forests, deserts, jungles, and snowy scenes.

Hi, Lots of tutorials out there, and here is one of them:
And forest:

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You can also look into lots of Unreal Engine tutorials for this.

A lot of creating ‘realistic’ environments is having tons of references, and getting the lighting just right. It doesn’t really matter what software you use in that regard imho. Good looking assets will do the rest.

Enjoy and show us your esults! :slight_smile:

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Hi here are some tutorials that I have found useful and interesting regarding this topic:

If you want to create highly realistic scenes in 3D it also might be a good idea to look at terrain creation softwares such as GAEA, or World Creator