How do i make noise texture show up in specific parts of a musgrave texture?

So i have a musgrave texture where i carefully did the white and black areas with a coloramp. I want that to be the texture AND also the roughness.

Anyway, on the white parts i want the noise texture to show up and NONE of the noise should show up in black parts of the musgrave.

i know it needs MixRGB but try as i might, the noise texture shows up everywhere.

i tried mix, multiply and overlay. plugged the musgrave coloramp into the factor and the noise to color 2. left color 1 empty.

please help me out?

I would of thought the colorramp as the factor would be enough to use the musgrave as a mask, I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t. The easiest way to check is jsut have black & white as the colours in the mixrgb and use the musgrave as a mask. you should see full rough and full glossy in the respective areas. After that, simply replace one of the colours with an input from a noise texture, i’ve done similar in the past.
Blend file:
MaskTest.blend (972.4 KB)

I don’t know why this doesn’t work for you (if I understood your problem correctly) but it does work with a Color-Mix-Node and Multiply. See screenshot, hope this helps!

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@Ruwo @colkai

i tried yours, still didnt work.

someone on reddit told to use a clamp node for the musgrave before going to mixrgb factor. that worked.

That’s odd because it works fine on my system, the roughness where the musgrave is white is fully rough, the roughness where the musgrave is black is controlled by the brick texture.

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If I invert the MixRGB, so white is at the top and the brick drives the second input

i dunno man, didnt work in mine. maybe i did different mapping nodes for the vectors?

I am using object mode vector mapping, but to be honest, UV should work fine too, though not sure about generated, I think that might go cablooey.

Hi there :slight_smile:
Just to add my example as well. Mix and Multiply can look the same sometimes by the way, it depends on how you plug it in, of course the mask should go into the factor. Here is my quick take on this. I picked the noise colour from the brick and mortar :slight_smile:

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