how do i make text in a cube

I was wondering if there is a simple way to

a cube and i want to take text out of it. so when I look at the cube I can look trough letters. and see the actual cube

Add text objects and convert them to mesh then build a box around them and drop the alpha so you can see the text.

If you want to build the cube out of text objects that come apart like a puzzle then spend some time with a pencil and paper.

I might have misunderstood because your first phrase “take text out of it.”
is not the same thing as the last “look trough letters. and see the actual cube”


Are we talking about a cube with text ‘drilled’ through it? If so , no problemo!

In a nutshell, create a flat shape and extrude it. In more detail:

  1. make text
  2. convert text to curve with ALT-Ckey
  3. add nurb curve
  4. press CKey to close curve
  5. press poly button on edit menu to square corners. move vertices to form nice square around text.
  6. select text and curve. Press Control-J to join.
  7. convert the joined curve to mesh with ALT-Ckey
  8. rotate view 90 degrees
  9. TABkey into edit mode. Akey to select all verts. Ekey to extrude to Cube.

Done. It takes longer to type the instructions than to do it.

That it would be so easy! thanks