How do I model a pattern like this?

welcome to the secret art of nagahyde blending

Impressive Trvold :-):-):slight_smile:

this is the kind of examples that should be added to the wiki page with sample files
to show how powerfull the array modifier is !

thanks guys


for cycles how to get light in you scene i don’t see any world light and no lamps or emisson planes?

file corrected

now i did apply all modifier then added a curve modifier to get a curve seat
but that should not change cycles rendering

carseatcurve1.blend (1.51 MB)


You have a big invisible plane (Plane.001) that has emission on it, that is right on top of your camera, hiding its vision, leading into the problem you see, you didn’t removed it you just have hidden it from the viewport , not the render.

2 solutions :

  • 1st one, you press ALT+H (or enable visibility of Plane.001 in the outliner) and move the plane so it is not anymore on top of the camera


  • 2nd one , in the Outliner disable the render ability of Plane.001 by clicking on this button
    so this Plane.001 will not be rendered, and so will not obstruct the camera

thanks i re uploaded a working file with pic

but in your file how did you do the light
i don’t see any emission plane or world light or lamps


in his blend, the invisible Plane.001 (same one i was mentionning for your problem) is used with the material set to Emission, meaning it is emitting light .

Thank you all! You’ve all done great jobs! I’m deeply impressed!

And I highly recommend anyone who’s reading this try and think of various (probably your own) approach to this modelling quiz. Community is the most powerful thing in Open Source environment.

And again, thank you all!

this thread is really interesting :slight_smile: i was wondering myself not too long ago how to do this, now i know :slight_smile:

I have some question about “basics”…@ Sanctuary (or at others who know) may you explain in little words the correct workflow to obtain the basic shape ?
About the other shape realized from fpsgod17, it’s right to start with a plane rotated at 45, then extrude enough times, merge the extra vertices(two up right and two down left if correct)and finally scale/move vertices to obtain the shape?

Unfortunately to spot the “tilable” pattern in order to get a base shape that will work good with the array modifier, i do it mostly by eye, i don’t have really a real foolproof method.
By example there is that repeated (so tiled) shape.

Repeated means there’s then a pattern in there that we can extract and use with an array modifier to reproduce the whole model.
I can see 2 possibilities :
This :
Or this :

By example that can then be used with an array modifier to reproduce the original shape.

And you can certainly strip down that kind of base shape if you intend to use some mirror modifier along with it

Thank you for reply but my question was a little different…was more about modeling instead of finding the right pattern.
You posted two possibilities, with the first my ‘workflow’ was like this: add plane, extrude all vertices at same time, scale extruded vertices, delete extra faces(1 is the central hole and the other created when extruded),finished. Is this correct or there are better methods?
About the second i realized this:

here i did like this: add plane, loop cut orizzontaly and vertically, delete 4 vertices, done. The shape seems like the same but how to realize it with your topology?

edit: i added other two loopcut,one vertical and other orizzontal,centered.Then i merge at central vertex like this, so i have the same topology as your example:

Here same question: is this the right method or there are others much better or faster?