Basically the title says it all i want to model rocks cant get a good outcome and really have now idea on how to go about it:confused:
Make a basic boxy model of the shape of your rock, subdivide smooth a few times, subdivide fractel a few times after that and subsurf and you’ll have a basic rock.
select vertices at random and delete them. then you have the shape.
Next comes materials and texture. Use something from a library, but turn down the specularity (rocks are dull). Except hot lava rocks, which emit.
Then comes a setting. The most realistic rock doesnt look realistic next to a cube floating on a blue background. Set it in space to be an asteroid under dim lighting.
Then animate it rolling. After that, you’ll have a pretty good rock. And will have learned alot about Blender.
After subdivide try adding Displace modifier using a contrasty texture to make undulations in the surface.
Why not try the sculpting on a cube or sphere ?
After that, you can use some textures to make it look better.
Thanx all, tried out the different techniques all worked quite well thanks again