I’m making a game for my University course, and I’m making the first level for it (which is inspired by WWI trence warfare), but I’m having a problem with modeling it, it currently has 70,000 faces, which I thought would be okay considering the PS1 for example was able to take in 200,00 textured polygons, but it’s completely slowed down my Blender and it crashes when I try to edit my UV. (and this is on a computer than can run Battlefield 4 at 40fps on ultra settings)
I’ve been trying to find ways to optimise it, but all of them mess up the UV beyond repair, or so it seems, I’ve been trying for ages to find a way to optimise textures while still keeping the UV in tact, if that makes sense, keep the faces as rectangles, so I can fix the UV afterwards.
The only way I found is to manually edit any faces that are flat, and delete the edge faces, but that doesn’t take away that many, so it doesn’t really help things?
Hi Cobra,
70,000 faces aren`t that much for a computer that can handle BF4, I think there is another problem that slows your computer down.
You use the BGE, right? Do you use GLSL or Multitex settings, what lights you have in the scene? Do you have a lot of animations going on? Post some screenshots, the blendfile or at least the infos while running the scene.
Provide visuals (fullscreen screenshots) of the setup, a example .blend that others can inspect further would be even better.
70k faces isn’t much. Modifiers and modifier order can slow things down, different viewport shading modes and big textures could do that too. There is a problem somewhere and if it’s not in the scene/model setup, then there might be a problem with how Blender is drawn on the screen. Blender uses OpenGL for that and it could be a problem with gpu drivers, their settings, or system settings in Blender.
I was able to show the texture in the viewport from the UV/image editor (textured solid and/or multitexture shading). But when I assigned a material and set it as material texture, switching viewport to textured in GLSL mode was sure to crash Blender for me.
I appended the plane object to another file (file -> append) and with that I was able to view it however I want without crashing, so maybe there is something wrong with the scene.
Left viewport: showing the face assigned textures from the uv/image editor in textured solid viewmode
Right viewport: showing material assigned textures with GLSL
Bottom: UV/image editor showing UV’s without faces
That`s the Blender Game Engine, where you want to make your game.-)
When you upload a blendfile pack all into this blendfile, you don`t have to seperate the texture.
In Blender: File–>external data—>Pack all into .blend
Keep in mind when you save a .blend that all textures are in the “right” folder.
Blender doesn`t like if you move your directories or files after saving.
In this case you have to put in manually every path again.
However, the blend.file worked for me without crashing.
Try another blender version, for example 2.70, update your graphics card driver.
or try this blend:
@JA12 he uses Multitexture, so it isn`t necessary for him to switch to GLSL.
Okay, I tried that myself, and it was less laggy for me, and I was able to do what I needed to do, so thanks!
Really? That’s strange…
I have tried that, and I have noticed slight improvements, but it’s still slow and laggy.
I’m wandering, though, are there any tips you can give about modelling enviroments, because it seems even for a simple level as that, I had to choose between quality and quantity, I tried making a UV from a top-down viewpoint and I had to sacrifice a lot of texture quality so I can do a proper level for it, how am I going to be able to do that kind of thing for more comples levels, like an indoor building level? The texture quality will be absolutely abysmal to the point I’m just as well leaving them out. Also, the interface will end up being extremely laggy.
Do you have “Mist” enabled under the World property tab? If not, you may want to in order to cull distant objects from the scene. Also play around with object LOD (Level of Detail) settings to use lower-poly versions of an object at greater distances. Doing both should give your scene a decent performance boost.