I have been working on this game, it’s incredibly simple, but my first true project with the GE. Everything is UV mapped, and I am trying to pack it all up for use on a different computer. When I just save the .blend on my flash drive and load it up on a different computer, it doesn’t take any of the textures (UV maps) with it. I’m guessing I have to pack it, but whenever I simply do a File>>Pack Data, it tells me the stuff is packed, but when I load that up on a different computer, same stuff happens. How do I do this?
Would be helpful if you answered quickly, I am hoping to take it to school with me on Monday, Thank you!
Just pack data then save the file and it should work!!
Man, I feel stupid, I’m pretty sure what I had done wrong is I had forgotten to save… lol.
Well, it works now, thank you, just really slow. (File size apx 2340000)
lol np bud …