So I set up a basic scene and tried to combine render passes to give me the same result as the beauty pass. The tutorial I followed was for Cycles, however, and while this seemed to work for the former, it doesn’t for EEVEE.
The left side is the beauty pass, and the right is the one I manually combined.
It’s missing something, but I fail to understand what exactly. It looks as if the volumetric lighting is inaccurate, but I have the VolumeDir pass added, so it’s probably not that.
So I re-rendered it without any volume, and the result was closer to the beauty render, but still not 1:1.
The notable difference was that, in the manually combined pass, the edges making the silhouette of the cube look outlined in a way. It’s especially noticable in the corners.
The top one is the beauty render, what I’m aiming for. The bottom one is the one I manually combined.
I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I followed the documentation to a T. Still the result wasn’t accurate to the beauty render.
Though I didn’t expect that the BSDF equation issue would cause this lighting artifact, as it mentions the Shader to RGB node specifically, which I’m not using in this case. It’s more used for toon shaders, but maybe it’s all tied together.
Either way, thanks! Guess I’ll just stay away from using passes in EEVEE for now.