How do i quit this friggin forum?

Easy peasy, as it would seem. I just wanna delete my account. As usually this turns into some kind of quest to riffle through the entire website to find lots of stuff, but anything like a simple “delete account” button.

Why “delete” it? Just go away…

Disbanded accounts can be hacked and exploited. If you quit something on the internet, always erase your account.

Its good a habit, people should do more often imho.

Send a message to a moderator asking them to delete your account.
Buh bye. :smiley:

Oh and Mods…

If you can move a thread to another forum, you can also answer the proposed question, probably even more then any active user wich havent even tried looking for a way to delete their account.

Its exactly this kind stuff that pisses me off, where the most simple tasks, are turned into excessively difficult operations.

Again, i just wanna friggin quit this forum, delete my account.

So mods, step the fuck up, if you can move a thread, you can anwser them too.

I´ve been through this shit before with Youtube, Google, fucking Facebook, and others too, this shit is aggravating and unnecessary, cause i could have been long gone with the click of a button. But that just seems to be the whole fucking point every time again.

I dont know why, but i know its unnecessary. So humour me with something useful, and even for current and future users who simply wanna quit, quick and clean, without annoying them or pissing them off.

You should really learn to calm yourself. Your current state is really unhealthy.

There are laws in the internet. One of the main ones is: Don’t feed the troll!

You can’t delete your account. Doing so would “also deletes all posts and threads associated with that account. Understandably, this is not something that we want to do unless there are some very special circumstances. If you want to discuss this further, please feel free to PM me directly.”

  • Fweeb(CG Cookie Crew)

If you don’t believe me here is the link to the thread where he says it.

Good luck

The internet never ceases to amaze me. Thanx for the heads up bro,… i’ll work this out somehow.

And for those worried about my current state of health, when you see people accept stupid technological bullshit advances without any complaints or resistance, no matter how innocent it may seem, then yeah it does effect my state of being indeed. I’ve gotten enough shoved down my throat as it is, and i know there’s plenty more to come.

So too bad, this forum aint working out for me, cant do anything about that, yet i still should have the right to remove my stuff without having to go on some digital political crusade if they could simply put a “delete account” button between the profile settings.

In my opinion the freedom to remove your personal internet activities is a “very special circumstance”, and this “we” he talks about, doesnt precede the “I” when it comes to controlling your personal information and activities, including the removal of those.

I may be crazy, but i’m not stupid.

If you want to delete any posts you have made you can do this by editing each of your posts. If anyone has quoted any of your posts these would not be removed.

Account deletion can only be done by a forum administrator. You will therefore have to contact one as per the quote by Fweeb in post #9

Your spot on the forum isn’t “yours” – you are being allowed to use the forum’s server space to put your posts and voice your opinion. Once you hit the post button, it becomes public. Not sure why you’re so disgruntled, but everyone who uses the internet should know what they’re getting into.

Its not about the posts, its about the account. So yeah, i took up the advice to send a pm to Fweeb according to his own post, and he did not respond,… wich makes perfect sense to me, cause that seems to be considered normal on the internet these days.

And Safetydude,… yeah, everyone has the right to subscribe and register, but you dont have the right to unsubscribe or unregister? Wheres the logic and even the decency in that?

“but everyone who uses the internet should know what they’re getting into.”

everyone should know,… very good, i’m sure you might have the patience and the capability to read the fineprint and its legal jargon. (wich is often intentionally abused to mislead or even discourage people from reading) But i dont, and i suspect most people on the internet do neither.

Also why isnt relevent, the point is, that if people wish no longer to take part in something, they should be able to undo their prior actions, including registering/unregistering.

No forum should operate as some kind of communistic entity, where the rights of the individual(user) are subject to the rights of the group(forum). And i’m pretty sure, i wont even be missed. So unless someone has a fairly sturdy argument as to why people shouldnt have the simple option for account deletion, then i think there should be a big fat orange button for that sole purpose.

Its not about the posts, its about the account. So yeah, i took up the advice to send a pm to Fweeb according to his own post, and he did not respond,… wich makes perfect sense to me, cause that seems to be considered normal on the internet these days.
His last post was 23rd Dec so maybe he’s doing something normal for Christmas rather than being here.

I’m sympathetic to your plight, believe me, but if you bury your head in the sand every time there’s a EULA or Terms of Service Agreement, (i.e., don’t read it for lack of patience) then you’re taking a huge risk by pushing that button.

I’m not sure you understand what ‘communistic’ means. The administrators own this site, and everything posted on it. You have the right to voice your opinion, within guidelines, and to edit your posts. If you don’t like it here, simply stop posting. What are you afraid of? That someone is going to hijack your account and use it to ruin your reputation? Sorry, that ship has already sailed.

It’s humorous to watch people freak out about the dumbest things on the internet…

Just leave. Change your password to something impossibly complicated, forget it, and don’t come back. No one wants to hack your BA account, and you’ve already done a thorough self-character assassination, so there’s not much left to concern yourself with.

It’s true. I’m back, though. Resolving this matter via PM.

I made it a principle not to use any services that require personal information while giving them legal permission to use it anyway they like, or even sell that information. The ones who are burrying their heads are the ones who dont give a shit at all, and think its funny or stupid to even worry bout such things. I already made that mistake once, anyone else go ahead, i dont expect people to learn from my personal fuck-ups.

Account removed. All posts by Kaandorpius have been marked as “guest” posts. May your politeness follow you throughout the Internet.