By default, i want blender to render stills as jpgs and animation renders as H.264 without having to switch it between the two. I know its not a big deal to switch it, but sometimes i dont remember to and i end up with hundreds of jpgs rather than an avi
When i have jpg selected, and i tell blender to render an animation, the videos end up being a series of jpgs for each frame of the animation. When i have H.264 selected, and i tell blender to render a still, it gives me a png by default.
This does not seem like a hard thing to fix. Am i just completely missing something?
There is no separated settings for stills and animation. Personally I think that default .png output for stills is better idea 'cause of better quality of images ( lossless compression ).
Hmm… that’s disappointing. It seems like it would be so easy to implement. But what do i know. I’m no programmer. And for the record, i agree. PNG is a better default format, because file size is rarely an issue with stills, but i need the files to be small enough to email.