I’m having an issue with yafray, in that certain settings for the HDRI background I’m using, are translated to yafray renderer, but others aren’t.
I currently have the image rotated by setting dX to .5. The light falls exactly the way I want it there. But in yafray, the background goes back to its default position! I tried just rotating everything in the scene, but I couldn’t get the exact lighting setup I had. Is there anyway around this? Maybe in XML? Maybe an exact proportion between the background rotating and the scene rotating?
instead of rotating the hdr cubemap, why not rotate everything else? select all layers(`), select all (A), and then rotate the scene. with a bit or trial and error, you should be able to get the HDR light to shine from the correct direction.
i know this thread is quite old but really:
is there any way in rotating/moving the background in yafray???
rotating the scene is simply not the answer to this question (and my manners don’t allow commenting that answer)
(eeshlo) Added rotation matrix option for background
image. Set with parameters m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, etc…
but there seems to be no implementation of this in blender or some other
documentation for yafray(is there really any serious yafray documentation??)
that explains how to use this…
No that is not supported in Blender. Somebody requested that option once for yafray, so I added that, but I’m not aware of it being actually used at all.
Anyway, rotating the scene is the simplest way to do this.
Yes, but it takes a bit of effort to find it, just a couple of minutes of intelligent browsing, unless the documentation existent in www.yafray.org is not ‘serious’ enough for you. In that case, we are open for collaborations.
well alvaro and eeshlo the first i want to do is to thank you for yafray, and other developers as well, i think it’s a great renderer and this is not tο make up to you, but …
yes there is documentation on the yafray site, but it is quite scattered and not even close to complete and it takes more than intelligent browsing to find that.
for example i found out by google search and i had to go through the code and i still don’t know how to use it. that’s not really what most people would do.
the simplest thing to do would be just to document the xml and all it’s options so people can take full advantage of yafray, and that’s work for the programmer, anybody else would have to guess what the options are really are, after that it would be much easier for yafray to be documented.
and yes, i know what i am asking is not easy, i know the developers have problems of their own, in the way life is a problem.
again thank you and please don’t get something wrong…
Yes, it most of the things you’ve said are true, and other people have pointed the same before. During 2006 it has been done a lot of work to change that:
Linear Workflow
Yafray 008 Release Notes
Frequent Answers & Questions
Yafray Lighting (translation)
Organic Modelling Tutorial (translation)
I only hope that 2007 is as good as 2006 in that regard. Yafray XML is not being documented because it is likely to change in the short term thanks to Lynx3D:
Yafray needs a lot of work. Apart from development, we need a lot of things:
Probably the site needs changes.
The new features Lynx3D is coding need to be documented.
Existing documents could need changes according with Lynx’s work.
We need a materials library at least with basic materials.
We need a self-maintained gallery with a sumitting system.
We need tutorials IMO about:
Manual multipass rendering,
Lighting (Traditional lighting techniques & GI, Studio Lighting)
time-saving tecniques,
compositing & postprocessing tecniques,
‘yafray for dummies’ tutorial.
As you can see, these tutorials are about general CG education and knowledge that can be useful when using yafray more than ‘what this button is useful for’. I would like Yafray.org to be a resource about general CG education and raytracing (when it is applicable to yafray) that people can use in other rendering engines. I think that this ‘goal’ is already present in some yafray documents such as ‘Lighting with Yafray’.
alvaro i share your hopes but i strongly disagree at one point.
yafray, and every other software out there (and i mean every) , needs the “what this button useful for”.
all of what you mentioned are very useful and should exist but without that little thing nobody can take full advantage of a software, and that applies even more to complex software like yafray.
it’s even useful to someone who may want to write an exporter from another software,other than blender, and doesn’t want to search around all the files in yafray source.
i believe it is also useful for the developers of blender, as this thread shows:
an option for rotating the background image, very useful if you use an hdri image and have a sun lamp for sharp shadows and want to align them without rotating all the scene, existing both in yafray and blender but doesn’t export from blender…
i hope you understand what i say and thank you very much for reading me:)