How do I speek to support staff here ?

The support link is without much help.

I need to speek to Appolux or whoever is in charge of the content.

All I want to ask is for A plug at the front page for On the Haunt

And Theeth told me to ask Appolux about creating a sticky message for people to upload or link to some realy good effect blender files. As mentioned in the Genral board.

^v^ toil toil toil

/me points to the Support Forum

PS: Regarding Appolux, reread my post, that’s not what I said AT ALL.

I have a nickname stalker !!!

eeee. I jump the gun a bit to much I think. Sorry about that Theeth. I get lost in my own thoughts.

Ok I will post there.

a plug?


ask goofster about the plug btw