How do they create this exact particle effect in the League of Legends logo?

In this case, it’s hand painted in 2D. You could possibly use a smoke simulation (volumetrics) and some strong lighting to get a similar effect, but I think you’ll get closest results using smoke simulation to get the forms and then paint over the colors

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Hi there,

It is not a direct answer, but can get you a similar effect using volume. Check this ducky3D tutorial. Imagine a coin or UV sphere slapped really thin :grin:

You can actually do this with normal shader nodes but rendering volume can be cool as well, it can give this stylized crystal kinda look :blush:

PS: for the side you use Layer weight for example, you can make it an emmission base, to get that glowy edge, or tweak a position vector with a colour ramp?


Thank you a lot! This is amazing.

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