How do you delete faces, leaving only the verts?

I just created a two planes, and cut one in half and then merged one divided side to a point to make two triangles.

I would like to remove the faces of the two planes. But try as I might, every option just deletes the verts too.

Thanks very much,

A workaround might be to extrude only the verticies but dont´t move them.
Then invert the selection and delete it.
So only the single extruded verticies should remain.

If that´s what you were asking.

X (for erase) and choose Only Faces ?

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You would think that would work, wouldnt you? But it deletes everything except the center point, lol. Silly thing.

florianfelix: Great idea, thank you.

It seems I don’t understand your problem. Can you post a picture ?

if a vert is not connected to anything else, in face select mode selecting the face it defines and deleteing the face deletes the vert as well, so you don’t end up with a bunch of stray verts running around - they are small and round and you can easily slide and trip and fall if you step on them. SO, if you want a vert to stay, you have to have it edge-connected to another face that is NOT deleted.

see pic. corner verts were removed when those faces were deleted.

EDIT: wiki updated


have you tried selecting the verts individually, and separating them? ( Y key )
i am not sure what you are trying to do, so i am not sure if this is helpful, or the best method.

jim ww


in edit mode, select all, hit (key X) and chose “Erase > Edges & Faces”.
Of course, you’ll see the remaining vertices only in vertex select mode.


Everyone, thanks very much. What i was doing was, lol, I cant remember. LMPO…

It was on a bed spread, and something else, a head I think. I was trying to delete the faces, thinking the verts would stay and then I could make new bigger faces and delete the unused verts.

I was trying to econimize the mesh. But I think I found I could delete the edge and that worked. But left the verts which I had to go back and select each and delete them.

I thought remove doubles would do that but it doesnt. It doesnt care how many verts you have on an edge even if they only have one edge.

I thought I tried edge and faces, but do not remember now.

I tried collapsing edges but that made triangles.

PapaSmurf, silly guy, I think you have lost some of your favorite marbles, you know, like in Peter Pan? I think it was peter pan? I lost some of mine too, my most favorite stealy and cats eye.