How do you delete old UV image?

I have UV map and image attached to it. As I modified and created new images to go with the UV map, somewhere along the way earlier image became stock to my UV map and it will not go away. Right now I have new image under UV map, it is loaded in its Material texture, and it renders correctly. But in my 3D window with texture display mode, Blender GLSL Materials, my object is still showing up with my old image texture!?

In UV image editor I display the old image and hit X next to delete it, but image stays! I did try to reopen the file after deleting but its still there. The image is still linked. How do I break this link and erase the old image?

go into 2.5
then you can delete in the UV editor
selet the X and Shift should delete old UV

but not possible in 2.49 ~


Solved it! The trick is to do File > Append, and bring that object in to new file. That brings only stuff that is on it. Everything else gets stripped.

How is 2.5 Rick? Are they almost bug free?

It is tricky to remove the image entirely. I would not rely on your solution for the UV display. What if you have a file with many things going on? You should not revert to appending for something like this. To make sure it refreshes, try to go into Edit mode, and with the UV window open, select all in the 3D view so the map shows up in the UV window. When the map is there and selected, switch images. Keep trying this till it sticks. And make sure you have the same image assigned to the texture. Sometimes it tries to link with that. The thing to remember as far as the texture display is concerned and the UV editor, this is separate from the texture and material. The image is linked to the UV map for display only. Make sense? Mapping it is another issue. But if you have an image mapped to a texture and the same texture also linked to a UV for display and painting it will also try to force this link.

Removing images is tricky. In 2.5 it is solved with Shift Click on the X to remove the image and it will be gone after you save and reopen the file. Supposed to work in 2.49 but apparently there are workarounds to get it done. I don’t remember them.

But come on up to 2.55 it is not that bad working. I waited a while but have been using it for all new projects and I am enjoying nice new features everywhere with not so many crashes. :slight_smile:

One trick I learnt for 2.49 is after you have removed the image from all texture slots, and I mean all of them (which can be tricky to find them all). Save the file, restart blender and open the file, if the image is still there, then open a data browser window - shift+f4. Navigate to the image and look at the number beside the name, even if it’s has no users, it’s still possible that it’s listed as having 1 user. If it has one user, select the file, and press ‘f’ on the keyboard to give it a fake user, the user count should be 2. Now save the file, close & restart blender. Now navigate to the image again, and to the right of the name you should see ‘F’ and the number 1. Select the image, hit ‘f’ again to remove the fake user and now the use count should drop to 0. Save file and restart blender again and the image should be totally gone.

I’ve run into this several times and yes it’s a pain in the @$$ to get rid of images. Yes, as RickyBlender & Richard have pointed out, this is improved in 2.5x, just shift-click on the ‘x’ and save file, it’s gone and you can re-open the file without shutting blender down.

Yes, I think 2.55 is pretty stable, I do still experience a few crashes, but it’s not a show stopper for me. I use it all the time and only use 2.49 when working on a project I originally started there…


a trick i learned to get unused images out of 2.49 was to save and reload 3 times, sounds silly but it works

2.5 is good enough and if you haven began yet it’s time almost no crashes now !

i use 2.5 mostly to do basic modeling but the render is faster then in 2.49 and better quality also!
it may not have all the tools yet but quit good

the only thing is that it takes time to get used to the new buttons location
but if you follow some of the CGcookie tut or Blenderguru
after a few of theses tut you’ll get used to 2.5 very fast

so go ahead and begin to have fun with 2.5

happy 2.5

Some times, you may find that only a few, or even one poly. ie the active poly when the texture was assigned is still linked to the old map. When you then switch maps, and they are not sellected, they dont get switched with rest of the mesh. A crude, but effective way if all else fails, is to pack the blend and save it to another folder. Then open that blend, and unpack it and save it again. Checking that texture folder will show you exactly which images are associated with the blend. Close blender. Delete the unwanted images, then when you open the blend any incorrectly mapped meshes will be purple. Re-asign those back to the correct remaing images in the texture folder.
This is the method I use to check any blend before releasing it. Also to check for double instances etc.