How do you do like this ?

How do i make a light source or texture that does the same affect as this lamp in the picture? I have seen that i can be done with skin shades at the ear. so something easier should excist with a simple lamp. right?

Your material’s translucency settings can help to achieve this sort of effect – at allows the object to be illuminated from the opposite side of the light (less sophisticated than SSS, but very useful in lots of situations). If you felt like being tricksy, you could put a spotlight at the center and have it track to the camera. Then give the light a very soft falloff and it should make the little soft circle of light wherever you position the camera.

hmm dont really know what you meen, an example whould give me best reslut but thank you anyway and shall try the things i did understand. thanks xD

Here’s an example blend…


lampSimpleWithTranslucency.blend (494 KB)

ohh man that worked perfect! Thank you sooo much!

Thanks too you Benu for the help. this was my result for that! pretty neat. Maybe a bit light tweaking before done :slight_smile:

No prob, glad you got things sorted out.