How do you get a model "texture" onto rounded object?

So, I’m kind of new to Blender. I’ve only used it for a couple months and the only modifiers I usually use are Boolean and Subdivide to make my models.

I’m working on Star Lord’s Elemental Guns right now (for the intent of 3d printing it), and I’m stuck on the grip section. Instead of having the grip hydrodipped or wrapping it in carbon fiber vinyl, I would like it to simply be apart of the model. That way there are no seams from the fabric, and the texture is more tangible instead of it being a “skin”.

I made a sheet of carbon fiber using the ol’Boolean and Array tools. When I was done, I boolean-Difference’d the bottom of the sheet with a cube to get rid of extra nodes that didn’t seem to close properly. I tossed it into AutoDesk’s Netfabb to fix any issues, and the model seems ok.

So, I tried using Shrink Wrap, as a couple threads I read suggested (other people had similar needs), however, it doesn’t work, at all. It gets distorted like you wouldn’t believe.

How can I go about doing it, better than doing it “by hand” via sculpting the sheet over the surface.- Which is VERY time consuming. I tried doing that but I quickly realized that my pattern was going to be overly distorted by the time I was done. And on top of that, the model integrity started messing up.

carbon_fiber.blend (11.1 MB)

Thank you for your time! :slight_smile:

First - You don’t understand what the shrinkwrap modifier does. If shrinks ALL the vertices of an object.You are trying to shrinkwrap a 3 dimensional object so it will squash it removing any depth, therefore a waste of time.

In this case you can use a texture to give the 3 dimensional pattern on your model using a subdivided mesh and a displace modifier. You need to create a texture,UV unwrap the object (its mesh is a mess whatever you have done to it so spend time cleaning it up to preferably get a mesh made of even size square faces) to control how the texture is applied.

A demo file attached using a simple grid texture

I tossed it into AutoDesk’s Netfabb to fix any issues, and the model seems ok.
To prove that cutting corners creates crap results


carbon_fiber.blend (4.17 MB)


Or You can try the New Displacement…?

I see You have model the Pattern…Damn…You don’t need to do that…You can use a Pattern Picture.

New Displacement do not need a lot Geometry to make the Pattern…Less is better…:slight_smile:

I Used the object from the Blend file…2 Million Faces…!!!..You can’t work with that.

I Decimate the object to 60.000 Face and again to 11.000 Faces Last is 3.000 Face.

You can model the grib 200 Faces and it will still look as they other…:slight_smile:

If You can use this…I can show You how it work…It’s pretty simple…Puff Puff


Or You can try the New Displacement…?
Not if they want to export it for 3d printing as they mentioned in the original post


Damn…I need a break now…Or learn to read and undersatnd what i read…:slight_smile:

Richard…Cheers…I’m a Noob…I alway’s read Your answer…I learn a lot…::slight_smile:


Mad genius! Absolutely genius! Thank you VERY much! This will be extremely helpful for a lot of other projects. You are amazing!

Though, I do wonder, is there a tutorial that I could follow somewhere? Something similar at least that I could adapt to my purposes. I understand the concept well enough, but to get from point “A” to point “Z” without actually knowing the procedures and process is another monster altogether.

By the way, I didn’t make the grip model. It’s from a download. Yes, the topology is pretty darn bad. I was just using it as a base to see what could be done.

The model I made I is a heck of a lot cleaner.

Grip.blend (5.07 MB)