How do you get refreshed after work?

  1. Reads novels (Great book “The Protector’s War” (sequel to another great one, “Fires Dies”)
  2. Surfing the net and forums such as this one
  3. Dinner on a nice day (I work at tacobell/pizzahut and usually when I get off it is supper time so I get my supper for 50% off and enjoy it at one of the table that tends to be in the sunlight on a bright day at that time)
  4. simply driving around “learning” the town (Colorado Springs, CO)
  5. Playing games on the computer (Starting to really like RTS game like Dawn of War)


OK guys, I see this a lot and I want to help. There are NO “perfect girls,” these girls were nice to you and either you missed your shot or you’ve grown obsessive, but I promise there are girls just as good if not better around you that you haven’t ruined your chances with.

here are my steps to successful dating. I have a hot girlfriend who has an amazing personality. she’s not a “10” but she is easily an “8” and like mzungu says I’d take a 4 with lots of character before a 9 you can’t talk to anyday. that said, I will help you get a 9.

  1. convince girls you are worth getting to know. ironically this means being elusive. DO NOT tell girls everything about yourself in a two hour heart to heart or EVER make your feelings towards them clear in a “talky” way. if you like a girl she will be expecting you to “make a move” not “tell her you like her” and look at her expectantly like you are about to start a year-long relationship. this FAILS.

  2. DO get to know her friends. even/especially if they are ugly. being able to relate to her friends not only ups your likeability but a girls’ friends can be the #1 obstacle. if they don’t like you, she’ll never date you, unless you’re a “bad boy.” in which case you probably don’t need these tips. not only that but it can inspire in certain girls a secret jealousy if you pay more attention to her friends than her. this is VERY IMPORTANT. girls will hook up with a guy just to prove they can, or to get back at people. be in the right place at the right time.

  3. DO NOT joke about sex or act like a pervert in ANY way - girls thinking a guy is creepy (even if they are just trying to impress their friends or making regular “guy jokes”) is the #1 road to “friendship” or worse, exile. if she brings it up, great. if not, don’t touch it with a ten foot pole. if your friend makes a joke like that around her, even if you told it to him ten minutes ago, look at him like he has leprosy.

  4. be cool. easy to say, harder to do. DON’T follow your target around at a party, club or house. chill out where she can notice you but after you break the ice nothing kills a vibe faster than chasing her around. not cool.
    you can even wait until the last minute before a party breaks up and casually ask her what she’s doing later. being a puppy dog will get you nothing but scorn. even better if she notices you at a party having fun with a lot of people. and like I said, get to know her friends, maybe even ask them about her casually so that they mention you to her - she will get the hint.

  5. girls are smarter than you. any time you think you are being sneaky, smooth, or wise, she can read right through it. unless she’s a cheerleader. be yourself.

  6. HAVE CONFIDENCE! even if YOU don’t believe it, chances are you can fake it. everybody is in the same boat you are, everybody is slightly self-conscious. girls LOVE flattery, and they are flattered when a boy comes to talk to them, no matter who it is, even if they turn to their friends and giggle afterwards, they are secretly pleased. be persistant but NOT CREEPY! just tell her she looks good and you want to get to know her.
    there is somebody for everyone. good luck

EDIT: @ RadScientist - you would love Company of Heroes - it’s a WWII RTS based on the dawn of war engine. it’s really fantastic, better sight lines, amazing destruction physics, etc.

another love tip - don’t talk about video games in front of girls. it’s not cool, yet…:frowning:

  			Originally Posted by <b>osxrules</b> 					[![](]( 				
  		<i>Where I live, there are some with nice faces but fat and others with nice bodies but ugly. Why can't God have just made half of them but all beautiful? :rolleyes:</i>

See larger than life. Take two. One for the face one for the body.
:smiley: Life is always better with some choice.

How do I refresh… well.

In summer, a big gulp of lemon tea… ice cold.
In winter, just a brisk walk to home is refreshing enough…

And I like to torture myself by inflicting myself tremandous pain and strain…

I am sure you know my masochistic behavior… You are all masochist in you own way… Hehehe, your face betray you…

I open a forum, look at a magnificent piece of 3D, bump my head in the walls and scream : “how did you do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ! ! ! ! ! !”

:smiley: It’s my version of “to blend”

I’m not so sure. My parents always taught me that but now they’re divorcing. My mum has gone a bit crazy and acts really horribly towards my dad possibly as a result of him cheating (still not 100% sure if he did).

I know not all relationships are like that but it just highlights to me how personalities are equally as changeable as looks. I’m not sure if there is even a line dividing who we truly are and who we invent, it seems we develop our personalities based on how we want to be perceived. Personalities are just our emotional make-up.

That’s true but I think most people have an ideal made up in their heads and evaluate people they meet based on that ideal. The closer they come, the less you want to settle for. It’s always a question of do you settle for less or wait it out?

It’s difficult if you can’t convince yourself first.

I prefer shy girls who would have relatively few friends. Ideally no real friends to speak of.

Yeah, I found that out the hard way.

Lol. I’ve actually noticed other guys doing this sort of thing to me recently. When there is a nice (but not my type) girl in the office, they immediately try to label me as the technical guy. It’s all about eliminating the competition first.

There’s a lot of good advice there, thanks for sharing it.

Man, I’m sorry to hear that. That sucks. Yeah, I guess “character” may not be the best way to put that, since we’re all imperfect, in that none of us can be trusted to be anything other than selfish. We’re human.

Yep, personalities are our interface to the world, and as such are subject to our own insecurities and egos. Many here have advocated honesty, but we can’t always be truly 100% honest, can we? (wasn’t there a movie about that?) We’re always gonna put a spin on things to make ourselves come out in the best light. Its just the way we are.

If you are a brutally honest person, well, you’re not likely to have many friends, eh? And if you, like most, are in the habit of “tweaking the truth” to your own ends, does that make you a bad person? Aren’t you just saying the glass is half full, rather than half empty?

I think what’s really needed is forgiveness. Being forgiving of someone who might tell you the brutal truth just as much as of someone who uses “white lies” to look good takes lots of empathy & a humble heart. A wise man once said, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” I guess its such inner qualities that I was referring to.

Usually girls smell it when a guy tries to bad-mouth another guy (or somehow reduce his odds) and it STINKS of desperation and a lack of confidence.
It’s funny to see that because it always turns around and bites 'em… HARD :smiley: