How do you get started with Blender

I just downloaded Blender last night.I tried to get started but I can’t even get a line drawn with the thing.I went to the knowledge base to see if there was any site to teach you what all these butons do but all the tutorials I found pretty much assumed you knew what you were doing on some level.I did look in the application itself for a help section but I didn’t see one.Did I over look anything???I’m sure Blender will be cool once I figure out how to operate it but next version they really should have alt messages come up whenever you place the mouse over a button.You know to tell you what it’s for at least. :frowning:

Try the “User Interface” Tutorial at the bottom of the page
here . Then maybe “Building a Castle” and “Texturing a castle”. These should get you started.

I felt the same way when I first started using Blender, but you get used to it real quick and then it’ll feel very natural working with it :slight_smile:

Dreamsgate has some good stuff here:
It’s very useful having a list of commands at hand.

  1. pofo

Besides the tuts, hit the SPACE bar and select ADD/Mesh then (your favorite shape; Cube is a good start)-- if you want to just see something added to the viewport. Tutorials are the best tool to get for free. Good luck and welcome to the community! :smiley:



Hi Gamemaster,

Welcome to blender:)

here, i got to throw my basicTraining file in with the rest of the
links provided by the other blenderheads:

if your using windows just unzip it to your desktop and
drag it to the blender icon.

hope this helps,


Just got in from work.I really do appreciate everyone getting me started.Finally I got some lines on the board.I think I can really get to like this.I am still having one more problem though.Alright I was making a sphere and I added a lamp afterward but when I tried to get it to render there was nothing but a black screen.I thought it might be because I hadn’t added any color to the sphere but I pressed f5 and nothing happened.Am I missing something??

I’ve already added all the links that you guys gave me to my favorites so I can review them all in time.Thanks alot.

Where is your lamp located? It should be between the camera and sphere. It doesn’t matter that the sphere has no material. In blender you have always a default material (rgb 0.8/0.8/0.8 )

start rendering works with F12 not F5. (or am i now missing something?)

with numpad-0 you can switch to camera view. try that to find out if your
camera is located correct. with numpad-1 you then return to the default

welcome to the community!


No no I pressed f12 to render it but all I got a blackscreen.I added a lamp thinking that may be a problem but even when I added the lamp I didn’t see anything when I went to render it again.Then I tried to add a color to the sphere hoping that the problem was that you needed a color for the sphere to show so I pressed f5 but nothing happened.

Did I forget to do something??

After pressing F5, click on the little “-” button and select “add new”

Also, make sure that your camera is pointing at the sphere. The big end of the pyramid is the front of the camera.
