How do you make an object glow?

I’m modeling a mushroom for a logo and I need it to glow?

I’ve managed to put a lamp inside my object and a semi transparent material so now it’s lit like I wanted it to be …but I want it to have some sort of an aura surrounding it…can somewone help me?


There’s a plugin on that page called Afterglow and some discussion here:

If you can’t get it to work you can also use halos to get a glow effect.


Radiosity is what you need to use. It’s not that hard. Here’s a quick mini-tut:

First set it up in the way I describe, so you will be able to clearly see the results. I am showing you the simplest way, so you might want to at some point check out the functionality of the other settings.

  1. take 2-5 white planes, and put them together so they resemble an open box.
  2. add a primitive, ( or suzzanes head, as in my avatar ) and give it a colored material, and a slight emit value. place it in the box.
  3. select the planes, and suzzanes head, and go to radiosity buttons.
  4. press the button that says ‘gour’ for best results.
  5. now press ‘collect meshes’
  6. press ‘GO’ and watch blender go into ‘tron mode’
  7. when blender is done solving, press ‘replace meshes’, then ‘free radio data’
  8. render

BTW, the monkey head in the pic is not the original emitter i used. The original was too bright so i selected the vertices in edit mode, and deleted them, and replaced the head with a less glowy one. note: once you have solved radiosity, your seperate meshes that you radified are all one mesh now.

Oh, and one other suggestion,…Light Mapping. There is a thread in the locked ‘blender foundation’ subforum that describes how to do it.

You can do it with halos

just put a plane where you want the glow to be centred, merge all the verts with Alt+M wo you just have one point

then add a material and turn Halo on, then tinker with the HaSize, Alpha, Hard and the colour.

That’s how I did the LED in - translucent plastic, with a lamp and a halo in the middle

I only use the glow-plugin .
I got it with a Plugin-collection for windows :wink: Don’t know where to get it as one.

:smiley: CU!

I got the results I was looking for with plane/halo solution. the Afterglow plugin crashed Blender 2.28a, and since I wanted the mushroom to be over a black background wellthe radiosity solution wasn’t my thing, it was fun to watch Blender’s tron mode :slight_smile:

Cool man. Glad you found a way to work it. :slight_smile: