How do you model a car?


I have the blueprints of a car, and I would like to make a 3D model of it using Blender (and possibly Yafray for the rendering). However, I wouldn’t know where to start. I was going to follow the wolf tutorial ( and use the same steps on the car, but I’m now more confused than I was when I started, as nothing I did was explained in the tutorial.

Are there any videos which show you how to make a car, or a boat, or some other model which is neither too advanced nor too basic? I’ve covered all the tutorials before the one in the above link, so I can now do the basics, but I don’t have a clue where to start with the car… Where do I put the first vertex on the pictures? Where do I connect that to? How do I connect them all together? :confused:

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

There are at least three main ways to model a car. These are box modeling and vert-by-vert approach. Also NURBS can be used.

You can find a list of car modeling tutorials here: Also searching the forum helps. Check out some car WIPs (Work In Progress) for instance.

Which of those do you recommend?

You can find a list of car modeling tutorials here: Also searching the forum helps. Check out some car WIPs (Work In Progress) for instance.

Thank you - I’m going to try one of those tutorials now. :smiley:

I cannot recommend any way over other. It’s about personal preference. Try out different ways and find yours. :slight_smile:

Have fun modeling!

Thank you! I looked at this way, but it seems a bit tedious (and complicated!):

Oh well… I’ll give it a shot, and let you know how it turns out :smiley: Thanks!