Hello! I am a XSI and Maya user. I havent succesfully ported a model into a game yet. Mostly because I’ve been lazy.
I finally decided to learn a freeware program such as Blender so I don’t need to puchase maya or xsi.
My question: Is there any tutorials out there for blender that will show me steps to bringing my character to life in a game such as Halflife2 or Unreal Tournament?
I don’t fully understand how to rig a game character how to texture or how to animate it for a game.
I have plans to try and make a game in Blender first (simple game running around) and then go on with http://www.truevision3d.com/ [>] Please forward me to any known tutorials, anything would be appreciated! Thank you.
Mmm. In Unreal, if the mesh is not animated, then you simply export as an .ASE file (there are a couple of exporters floating around on the forums, not sure if any of them work 100% though). However, if it’s animated, that’s another story. There’s a lot more to it than just exporting the mesh correctly. I can tell you from experience that if you want to add animated meshes to an existing game engine like Half Life or Unreal, there’s also scripting involved. Character models also have naming conventions for their bones so that they can be affected by physics.
The best place to look for this is probably not on the Blender forums, but on any HL or UT forums. Or even the UnrealWiki.