How do you save animation keyframes?

I started to create an animation, a simple walk cycle on a low poly model. I stopped work on it half way through, and saved and closed the file.

When I came back later and opened it, the keyframes were not showing in the action editor. When I press play, the model does nothing.

So it seems like the keyframes have not saved as part of the blend file. How can I ensure this happens when I close the file?

Is there any way to load or retrieve the keyframes I made before?

Edit: I’m using v2.49

In 2.49 anything you change in a file is NOT saved when you quit the program (unlike many other wares) and it does not ask you if you want to save changes before quitting either.

If you saved the file but did not change the name, the previous version will be in the same folder but will have the suffix “.blend1”. You can open this.

I’m guessing that you will have do it all again.
Sorry to be the bringer of sad tidings.

Thanks. I don’t really mind doing it again, but the trouble is, I did save the file before I closed it.

So why did the keyframes not save?

well, in my Blender version “animation keys” are saved in the “blend” file format (luckily) !
But, you must “insert/create key frames” each time you do a change in the scene ( unless you activate the “automatic keyframing”); if not when you change key frame number ( or close Blender) it returns to the previous state!

I did have automatic keyframing on (I was following a tutorial at the time) and the yellow markers were appearing in the Action editor. But they disappeared after I saved, closed and then re-opened the file.

I’ve gone back to using manual insertions, that seems to be working now.

Anyway, thanks for the help guys