How do you scale a vertex loop correctly ?or something

I have extruded the selected vertex loop and now i want to scale it so that all the new verticies have the same distance from their origin vertex.

But if i just scale it the verticies on the right and left move further than the ones on the top and bottom.
i want it to be even all around

pls help

apply object scale and then inset the faces


When You use Tools and Modifier…They use the scale of Your object to get the result…Default scale is 1

You can see it in N -Panel - Transform - scale…If You Scale or rotate a object in object Mode…It will change the objects Scale.

Tools and Modifier will not work right…You can reset scale…Object selected…Hold Ctrl - a …Seletc apply rotetion & Scale
It will set scale to 1…Now it should work…:slight_smile:

When You use tools…Look in the Menuline…There are info how to use the tools.
