I’m having some trouble setting up the python library path for blender. My python library is installed in /usr/lib/python2.4, and I have to copy all my scripts that I need to import into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages for blender to be able to import them. Is there anyway to make blender look for the imported scripts in the ‘.’ direction by default?
Also, blender (python2.4 version) cannot seem to be able to import any of the shared libraries in the /usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload directory. For example, when I try the following code:
The operator module is always included in the standard python distribution, I don’t understand why blender should have a problem with it, and I suspect it’s because /usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/operator.so is linked to some other shared library whose path blender doesn’t know about.
It does? Interesting, I’ve so far tried to import operator on two of my computers and have had the same problem. Both computers of mine are running ubuntu 6.06 and blender 2.42 with python 2.4.
I did try Help-> System -> system and blender says to look for the info in system-info.txt which it just created … except that I cannot find this file in either my current directory, or /tmp, or .blender/ … how strange?
ah, so it wasn’t just me, i feel much better now, hopefully they’ll fix it in the next release. but inccidentally, who should we notify about this problem?