How execute script with global shortcut?

Thank you so much for helping me on.:slightly_smiling_face:
Impressive! This 1st attempt of yours goes absolutely in the right direction.

:triangular_flag_on_post:Please beware, before investing more of your efforts in this, I have to inform you that I am looking for a free solution that must become freely available for all blender users. That’s because we’re talking about a “Creative Commons Attribution Share­Alike 4.0 License” project I invented to give back my support & gratitude to the blender community. Thanks for your understanding.

So now if you’re further willing to support on finding a acceptable solution on the isssue,
let’s see what we’ve got:

  • a script for selecting workspaces via dropdown menu: :white_check_mark:
    2.80 / How switch scene from text editor?
  • scenes newly created saved in -blend file: :white_check_mark:
  • scenes permanently assigned to workspaces::negative_squared_cross_mark:
  • “assigning scenes to workspaces script” as blender addon or its integration in the first mentioned addon: :negative_squared_cross_mark:
  • bonus: storing & keeping modes (object mode, edit mode, etc. ) within workspace switching (but we also could live without that feature: :negative_squared_cross_mark::wink:

If there’s a chance to get this done, “Flattifolks Animation Kit” might become rescued for the future.:crossed_fingers: