How Good is my Computer?

I’ve spent most of my Blender career with a crappy 10-year-old computer. So I’ve just ordered a new one. For those of you with a similar computer, how fast is rendering (including GPU rendering) on your machine?

  • Intel Core i7 hex-core 3.33 GHz
  • 12GB (3x 4GB sticks) RAM
  • NVIDIA Geforce GTX 590
    Any thoughts? I’d like to know a bit of what to expect…:o

Almost top of the line.

Don’t worry, hj, you’re computer is good. In fact, it’s awesome even though it will be outdated in a few months.

In a few months his new rig won’t be outdated, it just won’t be the bleeding edge PC setup in terms of hardware.

The fact you would have six cores, 12 gigs of RAM and a fairly high-end GPU will mean you’ll be able to run any software that comes out for at least several years, so you can say it’s future-proof (for now).

Mine is over five years old, and still going strong with some of todays modern programs.

trust me, your computer is great. Compared to my 1.73ghz Intel duo core, 2 gigs of RAM, and a intel onboard chipset.

You should be able to have pretty big scenes in blender (RAM). Your render times will depend on your scene. But it should be fast compared to a lot of stuff (hex-core for crying out loud!).

Here is a good guide about computers with blender (

looks good bro. the only thing is the GTX 590 although it is a very good card if you plan to do much in open gl nvidia is a bad choice right now because they crippled their open gl support so people would buy their workstation cards.

Sounds good. Shame about OpenGL, though. At least it can handle smoke sim… :slight_smile: Looks like my next film will have lots of fancy GPU-rendered explosions… :slight_smile:

looks good.(the price of the 590 is a little much i probably would have just got a 580) but anyhow…

dont listen to all the complaints about the nvidia opengl… Nvidia has CUDA and PhysX 2 things that ATI doesnt even have

Lots of programs are now using CUDA for different things(3d-Coat for voxel smoothing, Cycles, MediaCoder has a CUDA encoder)
, and MAYA is using the PhysX for realitime animation in the viewport…

Adobe products etc.

Nvidia is the product of choice right now IMHO.

true nvidia has more strengths but you cant use blender if you are going with nvidia so it is just point less to buy it since blender dosent have physx or CUDA support except for cycles witch will have openCL soon.

It’s future-proof for about a year. Ok, as far as being dated, it will be dated after a year or 18 months.

You can use Blender with an NVIDIA card, bigmanjoe. What are you talking about? My old computer had an NVIDIA card. I’ve used Blender on several computers with NVIDIA cards and they all work just fine.

If you’re going for top-of-the-line, you need to use an SSD for the boot drive. (preferably 2 of them, in RAID 1, for redundancy.)

I might upgrade later. For now, though, I’m just trying to work with 1080p video.

I’ve spent most of my Blender career with a crappy 10-year-old computer. So I’ve just ordered a new one. For those of you with a similar computer, how fast is rendering (including GPU rendering) on your machine?

  • Intel Core i7 hex-core 3.33 GHz
  • 12GB (3x 4GB sticks) RAM
  • NVIDIA Geforce GTX 590

Any thoughts? I’d like to know a bit of what to expect…

That is a nice rig :slight_smile: Mine’s slightly slower, and went with AMD and ATI, and it excels, so yours will be even better. BTW, how many MHZ is your RAM?

you cant honestly believe that when the average new program is still meant to run on a single/dual core. if the average program in one year needs a 6 core processor then almost all computer owners currently are screwed.