How is random tiling is done?

I read that some game engine can do a random tiling of a set of texture so that it does not look repeative. What is needed to do this? Can Blender do this too?

I don’t know about random tiling, but there are ways to make texture tiling less apparent. Try not having any too-large expanses of the same texture first of all. Adjust your textures as well. Be sure that they are seamless and do not contain any contrasting features which will stand out in tiling (such as a small rock of a color different from that of the rest of the texture). Make sure your textures are fairly large so that they will not need to repeat as often. Finally, you may want to use the High Pass filter on your texture to make it have fairly flat shading.

that’s definitely a feature we need … !

I know I read " 3D Game Texture " and there is a part that say that some game engine can do that but is by a programming it ourself or does it come with some game engine. I’m not such.