how long can you sit on computer ?

in one day i sit 24 hour on my computer wen i want to go to eat i feel like i don`t have my back
is not good feeling :o

wen i am back i play movie after this day i sleep 2 day`s is good wen i sleep …:o

Please Google the terms ‘English grammar’ and ‘Punctuation’, since you apparently have the time to do so.

Civx, you MUST stop posting pointless content.
This isn’t the pointless forum, it is the off-topic forum.

ah you want me goo out of blender that is not you work i see !

What do you want, a congratulations?

if you want to talk talk if you dont dont talk !!!
and the rules is talk how long can you sit on computer ?

Neither I nor anyone else understands you.

so if i don`t talk with eng good i get out of here ??? ha !

No, it means you should try communicating a little better than you are now.

It is a little known fact that every time someone starts a pointless thread a ninja cuts off a cute baby kitten’s head and doesn’t even care. So for the cats, think before you post.

:confused:i am 17 old i learn eng are you know ? so ?

Never tried sitting on my computer.

Goodnight, good sir.

The preceding post was slightly insensitive. Just slightly.

Yes. Go away. That is exactly how we all feel… Strange that you aren’t on my ignore list yet.

Come on now children…

Fits your signature.


What does my signature have to do with crappy English grammar? Do you also want to be on my ignore list??? Do YOU?!!11

RedJay told me to say yes. If I hear someone second that I’ll succumb to peer pressure!

What’s the 11 for?

Seconded :slight_smile:

bigbad, go to your bedroom. NOW!