How many books do you read annually?

How many new books (to you; this can be anything from Stephen King to George Orwell to Franz Kafka) do you read annually?

This is a pointless thread stolen from this silly book (it was based on a TV show called “3rd Rock From The Sun,” which was about aliens disguised as humans getting into all sorts of weird stuff).

I average 6 books a week, 300 or so a year. I love to read! :smiley: If I add the paper, magazines, information at work and other articles, then it would be closer to 4000 items a year. I read anything and everything.

About 5 books a year
Only those I have to read for school :smiley:

do comic books count? theyre the only books worth ‘reading’ =)
i read about 50 or so comics a year 8)

In my opinion(which doesn’t count for beans) this is a retarded question. You never specified what counts as a book. For example, say I read 1000 hardy boys, nancy drews, bobsey twins, etc (real short books)
is that better than reading 200 books like War and Peace, The Gulag Archipelago, For whom the bell tolls. etc.
Please define what 1000 books means, and I may respond to this poll.

Considering most people don’t read if they can help it, if you read any thing at all you’re way ahead.
Definition of book:


  1. A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. 2 a. A printed or written literary work. b. A main division of a larger printed or written work: a book of the Old Testament. 3 a. A volume in which financial or business transactions are recorded. b. books Financial or business records considered as a group: checked the expenditures on the books. 4 a. A libretto. b. The script of a play. 5. Book a. The Bible. b. The Koran. 6 a. A set of prescribed standards or rules on which decisions are based: runs the company by the book. b. Something regarded as a source of knowledge or understanding. c. The total amount of experience, knowledge, understanding, and skill that can be used in solving a problem or performing a task: We used every trick in the book to finish the project on schedule. d. Informal Factual information, especially of a private nature: What’s the book on him? 7. A packet of like or similar items bound together: a book of matches. 8. A record of bets placed on a race. 9. Games The number of card tricks needed before any tricks can have scoring value, as the first six tricks taken by the declaring side in bridge.
    Inflected forms: booked , book·ing , books

I read about 50-100 novels a year on average, and maybe about a dozen non-fiction books on topics like Cosmology, NanoTechnology, Astronomy, Lasers etc… science type stuff. :wink:
Sometimes i get a reading itch and burn off a book in one sitting, or laying acctually hehe. :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

I read about 3 or so books a week. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, True Crime, and/or Westerns. Also I read books on dinosaurs, Aztecs, and the Maya

not enough books :-? me reads

I don´t read so much anymore since I´ve read about every book on the Science Fiction shelf in the library :o :-? . But I know I read about 20 000 pages during 3-4 months when I was 12 years old (in a speed reading contest).

BTW, I wonder why so many people hate reading books. I think it´s one of the funniest things you can do, in fact I consider it being a the same level as Blendering, strength-training, graffiti (Moahahaha! Those cops´ll never get me! HAHAHAHA!) and other minor illegalnesses :wink: .

I don’t really read all that many novels annually (perhaps 4 or 5).

But I read a lot of papers relating to computer graphics. I probably read about 60 or 70 papers all the way through each year, and I probably read about 200 or so papers part way through, and I probably read about 1000 abstracts or so.
Since most papers are about 5 to 10 pages long, that means that I probably read about 1500 pages worth of papers and abstracts every year. And that would be the equivlelant of about six 250-page books. And not to mention the technical (computer graphics) books I read…

Hmm, I think that I am beginning to realize why Larry and Tony think that I know so much about computer graphics for my age.

Oh, and then there’s also the SIGGRAPH procceedings, of which I read through most of. And the SIGGRAPH course notes…

My goodness. I never really realized before now how much I read about computer graphics. Tee hee! :slight_smile:

(Of course, please note that I’ve only really had a comprehensive resource of computer graphics papers for the past year or so, since I discovered Before then, I had to search the 'net rather hap-hazardly. The numbers given above only really apply to this past year (2001-2002), which is when I found

In my opinion(which doesn’t count for beans) this is a retarded question. You never specified what counts as a book. For example, say I read 1000 hardy boys, nancy drews, bobsey twins, etc (real short books)
is that better than reading 200 books like War and Peace, The Gulag Archipelago, For whom the bell tolls. etc.
Please define what 1000 books means, and I may respond to this poll.

Any kind. Art books, comic books, graphic novels, novels, encyclopedias, travel books, anthologies, magazines, even the paper (even if all you read is the comics), scripts, short stories, even books you read that were copied onto the internet… just about anything. I know, “what’s the exception?” Well, I don’t think I’ll count Playboy, or any type of pornography.


I read so much that i dont get to read my academic books.frankly, i am a voracious reader and that helps me gain an over all knowledge of many topics.

e-books are here but paperbooks are always there.
