How many polys do people use for human?


My PC always freezes at some point while sculpting, so I try to minimize maximum polys as low as I can,
usually half million for heads, 1-2 million for body including clothes.

Of course this limits the details I can put in.

I was wondering how much dense polygon people go for when they sculpt humans?

This head I was working on is already 300,000 (without hair and neck), and you can see it’s not that smooth.

How many polygons are usually needed to put enough details on human head and body?
I’m just curious.

Thx ahead.

Short answer, as many as you need. However if you are running into system resource issues keeping poly count low and retopologizing to add detail from a high poly mesh to the low would save you a lot of problems. Also, activate smooth shading instead of adding a bunch of polys to smooth it out.

You can also turn on smooth shading in object mode (tools panel on left) and in sculpting mode there’s a checkbox. You’re model at that level of detail would look perfectly smooth with smooth shading turned on.