How much do you like LOTR?

I was just wondering what the spread of people was out there as far as Tolkienites are concerned. I know a lot of people like LOTR, but I also know that people that are fanatics about it like me aren’t too common. (I only know 1 other than myself…)

[Edit] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I forgot to add the poll…:frowning:

Anyway, post Fanatic, I like it, I don’t like it, or Other.

i dont really care about it… and the movies are too long

i don’t really care about it… but if they wanted to stay true to the book, they shouldn’t have condensed the movies so much

Too long, too boring, too many midgets.

I liked it - except the first one .
yeah- the movies follow the books accurately (I read them before the movies came out - unlike most people)
I think my favorite part of all three movies were those ent characters

I like it. Not a fanatic. But I like it. The Hobbit is probably the most compelling book I’ve read.

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Read my username.

Does being able to tell somebody the elvish name of Gandalf’s sword make you a fanatic?:confused: No but seriously I’ve read the trilogy and the Hobbit but I wouldn’t consider myself a fanatic.

Agree 100%, The Hobbit is a masterpiece = )

I’m still waiting for Peter Jackson to make the Hobbit into a movie.

The movie does not follow the books. The first one did, the second and third ones started going off the wall. I like the movies, but I like the books better. Also, re: Peter Jackson and the hobbit, I don’t think it will happen.

I care only because I love grand stories of heroics, good vs evil, friendship, all for the fate of the world or the universe. Stories such as those present in “ender’s Game”, “star wars”, “spiderman”, “superman”. Some of those are novels ans some movies and some are both, obviously. So its not the medium of the story either, but the story itself I love.

Of course, the greatest most intricate and fantastic story ever told is presented in the Bible. I happen to believe its true because of its incredible continuity among other, personal things, but the point is, the Bible has all the makings of LOTR or Star Wars.

Outnumbered Israelite armies taking on huge opponents and attaining victory through hardship and supernatural intervention? Not only the fate of the Israel nation, but the fate of each man and woman’s soul is thrown into the tale and the most detailed, foolproof, intricate plan ever conceived is carried out. From a literary standpoint, its quite possibly the greatest story ever told.

Lord of the Rings, now this is a series that does stand out to me, along with Star Wars. I love Gandalf and Aragon mostly. Especially Aragon. A long lost king returning to reclaim his throne in order to ensure that good prevails? I shiver in anticipation!

Except for a few obvious changes in ROTK (Gollum driving a wedge between Sam and Frodo), I don’t know if I agree with you. I believe all three movies are pretty accurate to the books. At least the TT and ROTK movies aren’t any more radically different than FOTR is, as evidenced by Arwen’s much larger role. It would have been nice to see Glorfindel.

[Edit]Unless you haven’t seen the extended versions… The normal length movies leave A LOT out that the extendeds fill in.

[Edit 2] Of course the books are better than the movies.:rolleyes:

Eh, maybe it’s just the feel. A couple things felt off to me. But those are much too weird and esoteric for public discussion. Anyway, you read the link, right? Where I said ‘I don’t think it will happen’? Cause that’s not looking good.

You know what I want to see? A 15 episode HBO series for The Silmarillion.
Won’t happen though, it’s almost as crazy as the rumors I heard about Thomas Covenant series movies…

What you mean Glamdring? No I’m sure that wouldn’t make you a fnantic,

Any more than knowing than Han Solo and Lea’s children are Jania, Jacen and Anikin,
or that the T in James T Kirs stands for Tiberius

um… I’ll just be going now.


I would have to say that I am a fanatic. I get by the differences between the books and the movies by looking at them as different works. I am sad to say that I have not seen the extended edition yet, but I have promised myself that once I get the chance, I will watch them all straight through. I have many of the books by his son that show a lot of the writing that he did to craft his books. I would recommend a short story he did, Farmer Giles of Ham, to anybody who is daunted by the size of the trilogy. The story is a quick read, and if you like it, work you way up to the trilogy.

As far as the Hobbit movie goes, I think that Peter Jackson will end up directing it. New Line only has a certain amount of time until the rights for the movie go back to MGM. MGM has stated that Jackson would direct once they have full control. This deadline has helped contribute to the problems between Jackson and New Line. Jackson wanted to have more time before he started working on another Tolkien movie, but of course New Line didn’t want this. Peter Jackson proved that he should be the director through his previous movies, and I think that he will direct The Hobbit, although we might have to wait a few more years.

Calo anor na ven.

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Hhhmmmmmmmm…let me think about this…FANATIC!!…Maybe the fact that I’ve watched ALL THREE EXTENDED VERSIONS in one day has some weight to it…

Maybe I’m bias, but the LOTR series got me interested in film. I like ALL THREE, but I’m (spoiled?) on the extended versions. Only way to go Trevin. Only way to go. And yes, this probably now classifies me as “white and nerdy!”

“By all that you hold dear, I bid you stand! Junkies…of LOTR!!!”

Er, how many times? Can you beat 3?:D:o

[Edit] Yes, I am most definately white and nerdy.

I absolutely adore the books and the movies! Of course, I have all the extended editions, normal editions, and all the books by Tolkien related to Middle-Earth! (well mostly…)

The annoying thing is, I can’t really understand the Silmarillion. It’s very complex…

Interesting fact: The documentaries on the extended editions were the main reasons why I got Blender - It looked like so much fun!