How pie is going to take over mankind (with muffins)


yes, this is a real topic, I am just not quite sane. Now, if you were to ask someone “Do you think pie has the power to take over the world?” they would most likely look at you in an odd way and then cease to exist. However, if you were to ask someone the ratio of pie to the leg of a 60 degree hypotenuse on a 4 foot table, how long do you think it would take to accumulate an awnser? Exactly my point, muffins are poisionus. If you are looking at this with confusion now, or if you are even reading this at all, I congradulate you, for this is just a show off of a cheezy avatar I just made.

ummmmmmmmmmmm ok…but

it has to be apple and I would like 3.14… slices

with vanilla ice scream paleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese



How about a muffin bake in a pie pan with creamcheese and fruit in the middle ?

And a slice of cheese. Oh ya, did I mention I’m from Wisconsin. :smiley:

hhhmmmm… blueberry pie with a glass of milk… hmmm… that’s something to kill for.

Canned ? Pecon maple pie that’s something to die for.

Pancakes rule, though if anybody asks you what the circumference of them are, you need to show them the movie “Pi” and show them where they’re going. :smiley:

(For those who don’t know, “Pi” isn’t about pi too much, but rather about an obsessive mathematician who’s trying to find a 216 digit number that could be the name of God. It’s good, but dark and obviously not for kids like VK.)

BTW: 3.141592653358979! (I’m too lazy to memorize any more digits.)

Who was the one who didn’t like LoTR because he thought it was too “boring”?


You’ve got one too many 3s in there.

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 is how much I’ve memorized.

pi = 3.14159265358979323…
e = 2.71828182845…

I don’t bother learning PI any more accurately, because that’s as precise as you can get with a double-precision floating point number on a PC.

An idiot, an idiot!!! hahaha!! you think you’re smart cause you know like 10 digits of pi? you moron! as einstein said (paraphrased): “It’s the imagination that counts, not the knowledge”.

anyway…what are we talking about? :wink:

You’ve got one too many 3s in there.

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 is how much I’ve memorized.[/quote]

You could of spent that time memorizing something truly useful.

At least you’ll know the circumfrunce of circles with a diameter of 1.

that’s taking it way to literaly. Einstein wouldn’t have done much if he hadn’t known the theories of Lorentz and the Non-Euclidian theories of Minkowski and so much more.

I think we were talking about how you should check your language before getting temp banned :wink:


Sorry, WeirdHat, my computer’s jkeyboard must still be sticky from last summer when in a rage I threw Coke all over it. Ssoorrrryy…

It takes a rather long time for the 33333 key to come back up on the keyboard. (Yes, I didn’t fix that for obvious reasons.)

PS: 3.14159265358979, off into infinity. Though I must admit, you’ve got way too much time on your hands, WH, if you can memorize that much. (Though two characters in a book knew pi up to like 10,000 digits. I’ve only got 15 down.)

Who was the one who didn’t like LoTR because he thought it was too “boring”? [/quote]

Uhh… Harvey Newman? (I’m just making a name up. Harvey from “Harvey Weinstein” and Newman from more-than-likely “Seinfeld.”)

Seriously, “Pi” isn’t for you because it’s way too dark and you liked movies like “Lord Of The Rings.” Zzzzzzzzzzzz

It is possible to memorize more than one thing you know. I memorize useful things all the time.


An idiot, an idiot!!! hahaha!! you think you’re smart cause you know like 10 digits of pi? you moron! as einstein said (paraphrased): “It’s the imagination that counts, not the knowledge”.

anyway…what are we talking about? ;)[/quote] I think he said Imagination is more importent then knowledge, which I would have to agree, what good is knowlege if you can’t imagine the result ? He was also called insain :smiley:

Pi is exactly 3.

But, seriously, pies are vicious. Countless people have suffered from their sensless attacks. Have you ever been mamed by a pie? It could get really messy. splut

I just had to look at this thread; my favourite food is Steak & Guiness Pie…

Wasn’t there a link to that pi site on a thread a while back?

Not just pie and muffins, ALL bread products. And we thought we were safe…

All i know of Pi is 3.14, i use a calculator if i need to do some equations with it.

How the heck did they “calculate” pi??? I’ve heard they’ve calculated pi to the billionth digit. I think it’s time to stop caring.

Who is “they” anyways???


pie? muffins? well,my opinion is…well,you know.the usual,erhh…uhhmm…yeah,that exactly! well…uhhmmm…let me see…ok,i screwed up!!! let me see how i fix this…

bbbwwwwwaaaarrrrrggggg??? LOL :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: