pi = 4/1 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7 + 4/9 - 4/11 + 4/13 - 4/15 + 4/17 - 4/19 + 4/21 - 4/23 + 4/25 - 4/27 + 4/29 - 4/31 + 4/33 - 4/35 + 4/37 - 4/39 + 4/41 - 4/43 + 4/45 - 4/47 + 4/49 - 4/51 + 4/53 - 4/55 + 4/57 - 4/59 + 4/61 - 4/63 + 4/65 - 4/67 + 4/69 - 4/71 + 4/73 - 4/75 + 4/77 - 4/79 + 4/81 - 4/83 + 4/85 - 4/87 + 4/89 - 4/91 + 4/93 - 4/95 + 4/97 - 4/99 + 4/101 - 4/103 + 4/105 - 4/107 + 4/109 - 4/111 + 4/113 - 4/115 + 4/117 - 4/119 + 4/121 - 4/123 + 4/125 - 4/127 + 4/129 - 4/131 + 4/133 - 4/135 + 4/137 - 4/139 + 4/141 - 4/143 + 4/145 - 4/147 + 4/149 - 4/151 + 4/153 - 4/155 + 4/157 - 4/159 + 4/161 - 4/163 + 4/165 - 4/167 + 4/169 - 4/171 + 4/173 - 4/175 + 4/177 - 4/179 + 4/181 - 4/183 + 4/185 - 4/187 + 4/189 - 4/191 + 4/193 - 4/195 + 4/197 - 4/199 + …
Phlip’s really bored
just so you dont feel like a total loner
If there is a God, then he realy screwed the whole pi thing up, didn’t He? I mean, if you were a God (no smart comments Thor), then wouldn’t you make an important number like pi a decent number? Not 3.1415926535…!
Muffins are going to kill us though, and then the pie will make a strike when we are weak, society will crumble and we will all be doomed when we are atacked by the multi-headed eggs and the girrafes are attacking the pink elephants now so that the tree next to me exploded and we will die.
Who’s to say God doesn’t have a sense of humor?
Who’s to say God doesn’t have a sense of humor?
Right, that rules some people out…
But anyway… Why is it that, with all these adults about that have nothing better to do than memorise Pi, it’s the children that know ten digits of it!!!
cubefan u could not possibly not have liked lotr, i wasn’t the greatest movie ever, but i was fun, the second movie is quite good, i haven’t seen Pi but i heard gud comments bout and i think i’m going to rent it, just why i’m writing this. well a giant and powerfully smelly blueberry pie might just turn every one insane, wanting to eat it, and kill us by indigestion. cubefan if you got time plis read the lotr book it’s incredible, you’'l like the movie less but love the story
Hey, when God made pi he didn’t mean for humans to find out! Stupid humans to curious for their own good and they want to find everything out Well you’ll never find the last digit of pi! So there!
Yes, humans are too smart for there own good arn’t they!
[sarcasm]Oh sorry, did I change the size 5 to size 18 [/sarcasm]
Yes, humans are too smart for there own good arn’t they!
Oh sorry, did I change the size 5 to size 18 :|[/quote]
i brak that rul
too true scotty, too true.
Andthe trouble with muffins is that they’re so smart that they will rally the pie and lead all the legions of undead pastry products to destroy the world [!] [!] [!] ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH [!] [!] [!] [!] [!]
i think you missed a b on that last post skating kow
Ay?? reads last post where?