Here is my first artwork made in Blender. I realize the shadowing problems in the footsteps and I am not sure how to fix them. Criticism is welcome. Be as harsh as you like.
nice job for your first render.
Thank You. I’ve only been doing this for 2 months so I think I did pretty well considering little I know about the program.
Better than my first render. The grass looks a bit strange though. Try making the length a bit more varied or use different particle systems for longer/shorter grass. What are you using to create the shadows in the footsteps. If you explain your setup I might be able to help you fix it.
My lighting setup is a single sun lamp at about North East at top view. I used a texture and a displacement modifier to create the footsteps.
Are you using a subdivision surface or multires modifier?
Yes, I am using a sub-surf modifier at level 4.