How to achieve required direction of IK for Leg bones while bending


how to achieve required direction of IK for Leg bones while bending… (ie after extruding from some adjacent bone available nearby).

for eg… while i am extruding from spine bone and making leg bones out of it…

should i do Axis-Orientation for bones like how in Maya we do… ?

plz guide…
thank you

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Hi, slightly bend the pivot of the knee towards the front to get a proper pole alignment, also the legs usually rotate around the x local axis (bone’s axis) change the roll of the bone with Ctrl+R in the case is not aligned well…


Hi thanks for your reply.
shall i apply alt r ie “clear Roll” for bones instead of ctl R(set roll) ? ie in short shall make roll zero ?

Not necessarily but yes you can do both ways, clearing and set roll again, or just set the roll from its original roll…

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