How to achieve the square brackets in 2.27?

I still use Windows (don’t stone me please) and I could get those–> [ ] in the text window by using Alt and numpad 91 or 93, so far so good. This old and sometimes useful feature is seemingly gone in 2.27 but Alt Gr 8 and 9 do not work either (like they should). So is there a better way than buying an american keyboard?



Don’t need to buy an american keyboard, just change the keyboard language to English and it should work.

What version of windows are you using?

In 98/ME, you have to change that in the Regional Settings

In XP (not sure for 2K), there should be a language bar thingy at the bottom, or check the Languages tab in the Regionnal and Languages Settings.


hm, and I’d have to put stickers on every key :-?

My memory is occupied with hiragana and katakana atm, so I can’t use it.

seems it’s better to code outside blender or use 2.23

thanks Martin

Well, it IS better to code outside anyway, especially if you use an IDE especially done for Python (like IDLE).

Just remember the Ctrl-R key that reloads the text from file. So now you can edit outside, save and just press Ctrl-R over the Python window to laod the changes.


Ctrl Rkey?

Hm, valuable info, thanks

but I still envy the Photoshop/image ready relationship

I believe JMS adresses this in his faq:

basically for win 95/98 it goes something like:

control panel
… (see faq)
enable Left_Alt+Shift, or…

not sure for later Window versions

JarellSmith: Works the same way in XP: Alt-Shift to switch between languages.


I have win 2ooo ( i believe this tip will run on any windows platform) and a french keyboard.
Here’s what i do to write a [ in the text window

i copy to the clipboard ( CTRL +C ) a [ on any text editor (like notepad…)
and i copy it to the text window using CTRL + shift + V.

hope it’ll help.

shift alt

how come you didn’t notice this before?

it’s a pain in the ass - every time I drag viewport it changes my keymap.

if you edit outside

ctrl R