can someone give me a advice how can i add a cc item instead of a cpp.
I added the c++ desctop development tools but the .cc option dont apear in the options so do i have to add another library like c?.
I thought the c++ desktop development kid included c.
I am complet new to this stuff.
Blender is compiled and ready to get manipulated…i am interested in geometry node development.
Blender uses cmake to manage to project files, you should not use the IDE to add files to the blender project, as all project files are automatically generated by cmake and when it reruns (which will happen almost every time after you pull) it will write out new project files and undo all your handy work.
the way to add a file to the blender project is, in your blender source folder go to the place you want to add your source file, create your file, and edit the CMakeLists.txt file that is usually in that same folder and add your new file to the SRC section.
Then back in VS, right click this little guy and select ‘build’
After which VS should say something along the lines of “project files has changed, reload?” and your new file should show up in the IDE after that.
Yes, a little convoluted compared to a regular VS project, but this way you only have to make the CMakeLists.txt change once and all platforms and IDE’s will pickup on it.
I don’t frequent blenderartists on a regular basis, it was more a fluke i saw your post, you’d likely be better off with these kinds of questions on the official developer forums over at