I managed to make scoring after search some tutorial about it, now my next problem is how to display the highscore? And any idea how to add time in game? because i can’t find any tutorial about this. I want the time that keep counting and if it reaches zero the game is ended, just like in racing game.
I spend 2 hours searching tutorial about this but no luck
And if you don’t feel like doing python, then use the timer property, just make it start at zero and when it hits a certain number of seconds, tell it to end the game.
1.Make the camera have the timer property
2.In the Logic Panel, add a property and change it from “Float” to “Timer”
3.Add a property sensor and change it to “Interval” instead of “Equal”
4.The where it says “Prop:”, enter the timer properties name.
5.Where it says “Min:” Enter the time you want your game to exit.
6.Where it says “Max:” Enter the same thing as “Min:” except 1 or 2 seconds higher(this just says what maximum time it should go up to)
7.Make and controller and connect the sensor to the controller
8.Make an actuator, change it from “Motion” to “Game”
9.Change the “Start New Game” to “Quit this Game”
10. And lastly connect the controller to the actuator.