How to add outer glow to an object in both eevee/cycles?

I have done my research on finding a way to add an outer glow to an object before going into the compositing phase in Eevee, but I hit a dead end and after some experimenting, i found a way to do it.

Worth noting :

  • It works for both Eevee and Cycles.
  • This method gives flexbility to change the outer glow intensity and color, even add more than one color.
  • I am not talking about an emission from the object, I am talking about an actual glow around the object like so:

There’s the video demonstration

and written version

So first let’s start by setting up the shader

  • First make a “UV sphere”.
  • “Shade smooth”.
  • add a new material.
  • pick whichever color you want for this material.
  • then add a new material slot with another material.
  • go into the “shading” tab.
  • delete the “principled BSDF”.
  • in the “material properties” turn on “Backface culling”.
  • set the “shadow mode” to “none”.
  • and “blend mode” to “alpha blend”.
    *now add a “layer weight” node, an “emission” node ,a “transparency” node and lastly a “mix shader” node.
  • connect the “facing” value to the “fac” of the “mix shader”.
  • then connect the “emission” and “transparency” node to the shader values on the “mix shader”.
  • now add a “color ramp” which will be the colors of the outer glow.
  • connect it to the “emission” shader.
  • then add a “gradient texture” and change it to “quadratic” then while having it selected
  • press “Ctrl+T” to add “Texture coordinate” and “mapping” nodes if you have
    the “node wrangler” add on active
    if not then just add them manually

Now Lets put the shader into use

  • go back to layout tab and add a “solidify” modifier to the sphere

  • set the “offset” to “1”

  • increase the “thickness”

  • “flip the normals” and make it “high quality”

  • then set the “material index” to “1”

  • Go back to the shading tab and set the colors you want for your glow on the “color ramp” node…you can use multiple colors if you want

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I think it’s worth mention that simply enabling the Bloom post-process and tweaking some of its settings can accomplish this effect.

That is very true the bloom post-process can achieve the same effect easily and simply, though it’s more scene-oriented.
But this method is more specified per object if an artist want to add an extra glow with higher intensity on a single object rather than the whole scene, if you get what I mean.