How to add scale markings without getting stretched on curve surface?

I’m trying to add scale markings on the hull of ship but don’t know how to make that. I tried skrinkwrap but obviously it gets stretched… so can anyone help me out with this?

Followings are example how marking look like on hull:


It must be made to fit the curved surface to attach to the surface without any problems.

please let me explain how make it…im interessing this…i have same issue

@VinDrawins , i’m not sure for resolve it but first you can show me photo: EDIT MODE, to see how you did maked mesh…can send here image (screenshot)?

I would do it this way:

  1. Add a shrink mapped mesh to the hull to make a decal as you already tried.
  2. Apply the shrink map modifier so that the mesh has its shape frozen.
  3. Ensure that the decal mesh has a material of its own, so it is not sharing materials with the hull.
  4. Join the decal mesh to the hull mesh.
  5. Go into the UV Mapping tab, go to a direct side view.
  6. Select just one polygon of the decal at an upper corner and UV unwrap it using the “project from view” option.
  7. Press “P” to pin that polygon in place.
  8. Select all the polygons and unwrap using conformal mapping.
  9. Proceed as you did for that decal example before.

If the above results in a set of markings that curve to one side then the following should sort it out:

  1. Select just one column of polygons that include the pinned polygon.
  2. Unwrap using the conformal mapping option.
  3. If the result is not straight on the UV map then select all the vertices along one edge and scale them in x so they are, then pin them.
  4. Select your pinned polygon again.
  5. Once you do this select all polygons by pressing “A” NOT by shift-clicking on them, and unwrap again, selecting the “follow active quads” option.

This should leave you with a reasonably clean result. Sometimes you may need to force the issue by selecting all the vertices on both outer edges and pinning those before a conformal unwrap.


Ok I tried what you said I have a plane which is shrinkwrap on hull and then image plane is shrinkmap on that plane (which is already shrinkwrapped to hull), but then why is image stretching?

Here’s the tutorial how to model ship :

You don’t need a second plane, you need one rectangle subdivided so it will shrink-wrap to the hull to make the decal. You then need to UV map that properly using conformal mapping, not shrink-wrap another plane to it. If you follow the steps I outlined in the UV Mapping tab it will work.

hi, i see your mesh, so that is similar my topic (resolved):

try to read my topic ok?

special is " follow active quads"

my topic thare is youtube for “follow active quads” this is important for any surface for UV follow surface ok?

i hope this information will help you