How to add squash and stretch AFTER animating?


I’m doing the familiar bouncing ball exercise in Blender, but I think I might have messed up…

I already animated the whole bouncing pattern, but I didn’t rig the ball with any kind of lattice or armature beforehand. Is it possible to do that afterwards so I can add some squash and stretch to it? If so, how?

I tried adding a lattice and giving it a “copy location” constraint so it would follow the ball’s keyframes, which works fine, but then when I ctrl-P the ball to the lattice, the ball and lattice both go haywire when I scroll through the timeline.

bouncingBall.blend (614 KB)

The acceleration and deceleration of a bouncing ball are intricately related to the behavior of the squash and stretch. Simply adding squash and stretch without modifying the animation would not produce good results. In fact, you’d have to modify the animation so much that you might as well just start over. So, I suggest that you redo it and consider it to be extra practice (which it is).