I am still new to Blender and I want to know if there is an easy way to align objects each other.
That means if I have e.g. a wall and a cube with different position and rotation in one scene, how can I align the cube to the wall?
(please no answers that say create wall and cube in top/front/side view, because the objects are already in my scene and no more to create)
Of course I can use STRG-SPACE to get the rotate manipulator, but it is very tedious to match edges/faces of two different objects manually.
I need e.g. one face of the cube should be positioned planar at the wall, or only one edge should be planar to the wall.
So in general, how can I align one object to another one? Is there any snap mode to snap an edge/face of one object to another one?
Here is a way that was given by someone else not that long ago
but it is probably good - try it !
I want to position an icosphere on a table, with the lower point of the icosphere alligned with the table.
Selected bottom vertex in icosphere and SHIFT-S
then move your Object Center to the Cursor
Clicked Mesh button in Editing Panel, labelled Centre Cursor
snap your cursor to the table (a vert again)
Selected a vertex in table and SHIFT-S
snap the IcoSphere to that
In Object mode select the IcoSphere, Shft-S >> Selection to Cursor. Now your Object Center which is at the lowest part of the IcoSphere will snap to the Cursor which is at the vert on the table. You can now move your Object Center back to the center of the IcoSphere.
I can’t think of a simple way to do this yet in Blender for faces in arbitrary orientations. If you only have a few faces to contend with, I could describe my method that involves local view and temporary parenting to the camera but it’s somewhat convoluted.
Theeth (Martin Poirier) added some snap functions in 2.43, but these work only at the mesh/vertex level as yet. In Edit mode look in the Mesh->Transform menu; hold down Ctrl while moving vertices around. It’s a start.
this is what I already found out, but I thought that there is an effective/quick/simple way to do this. But up to now it seems not.
Is this feature planned for the future? If not where I can request this features to the developers?