How to animate a sailing ship in the stormy ocean lifelike?

i wonder, How to animate a sailing ship in the stormy ocean lifelike? i have a big ship model on a skinwraped plane on the bottom of the ship, copy location and copy rotaion to set up the motion of the ship, using the ocean modifier as the ocean, but when animating the ship, it’s shaky and unrealistic.
in the real life, a giant ship has high mass, and it does not supposed to be easy shaken. how to set it up to make it lifelike?

need your answer… pls :frowning:

You asked your question in the wrong section. This should be asked in the other animated sub forum. There are other tutorials on the web that shows you how it’s done on Youtube. Try looking for the words Ocean simulation Blender 3d object floating.

Thank You, very much:eyebrowlift: