Hi guys, i have an entire scene setup filled with many object however when i animate one object i notice that blender saved the entire scene as the object animation instead of just the object only. So if i animate multiple object they all appear in each other individual animation even if i set them up as separate action. So is it possible to animate an object without blender saving the whole scene as the object animation? Because i need to export them as individual object animation i cant have the entire scene as its animation.Do i have to create individual blender file for each object to animate them separately?
Post the blend file to pasteall.org/blend and then post the link here.
Note! You will not get much help if you don’t post at least images showing your issues and preferably a sample blend file that demonstrates the problem. We cannot tell from what you have said what the problem might be. Bear in mind that if you animate an object in a scene it does have an effect on every other object in terms of light bouncing, shadows, etc.
Cheers, Clock.