How to Annotate Node Setup

Annotate tool documentation at the above link says “The annotation tool is available in multiple editors. It can be used to add notes to e.g. 3D objects or node setups.”

First I tried to annotate a node setup in the Shader editor, but it does not seem to be working ( Blender 2.82 ). How do I make this work in the shader editor ?

I also tried adding text to the text field property of a Frame Node in shader editor


Typing text into the field does not seem the way to do it. How do I make this work ?

The Annotate tool works for me. The Text field for a Frame is used to reference a Text datablock (one that you can create int the Text Editor):

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Strange. now it works after restarting blender. These algorithms. :wink:

And I didnt know blender had a text editor in the scripting tab.
