How to apply textures from one UVmap to another?

Hello! I have been struggeling a bit with blender, im a beginner to texturing and i came across something strange when i was trying to texture my character. I made my uv-map and used the “project form view” option to make it easier to allign my texture with my object but when i tried to texture it and apply the texture to the regular UV-map, not the “project from view/ front view” one the texture was in a completely different place

As not shown by the images, the texture was on the original uv-map as well but it was centered in the same way as it was for the “front view” uv-map. I wish to apply the same texture in the same potition for the normal uv map that the “front view” uv map has. So that the texture will apply for the “folded out” uv-map as good as it did for the “front view” uv-map. I would love to have some help with this problem, it has been bugging me alot. Thank you.

If I understand what you are trying to describe, use the Render / Bake options to bake the texture used for the material to a new texture you create in the UV/Image Editor and using a different set of UVs

Im going to try and see if it works

Doesnt seem to be working. I cant find a way to transfer the texture to the other uv-map. Is there like a way to un-fold my uv-map again but still keep the layout of the texture? so that the texture doesnt re potition itself?

This is how the texture looks in the “unfolded” uvmap, it just sticks straight onto the face instead.