how to assign 2 materials to text?

I have a multiline textobject and would like to assign one word a different material. How do I do that? Actually, how do I select a single word in edit mode?

Is there some reason you don’t simply convert it to a mesh and then apply the additional textures?


To apply multiple materials, you must first convert the text object to a mesh object (ALT+C twice)

To select a single letter, you must press L-KEY (with the mouse over the letter)

Below is a flash tutorial made by me about a year ago on applying multiple materials

flash tutorial

I hope this helps.

ALT+C to convert text to mesh

Use material index if you want all the letters to still remain within the same object, but with different materials applied. Easy to follow tutorial about material index


Thank you all for your answers!
First: I had hoped there was a method to apply the material to the text object rather than to the converted mesh. That would allow me later still change the text.
I tried to convert the text object into a mesh, then I changed to face select and box selected a word to asign it a different material index. But not all faces got selected, they remained blue (in edit mode). I tried to Ctrl N and even flip normals did not work.
It seems the only workaround is to work with separate objects for each word.

For box select to select all vertices make sure you are in wireframe more.