Hello, on the left is 4.2 and 4.0 on the right. When I select a single vert with others selected, it moves all of them, how can I make it like 4.0 on the right where it deselects all the others that I’m not selecting? Having to double click each time is inefficient and not sure why it’s defaulted for me but can’t find anyway to change it.
I think your active tool’s fallback action might be set to “move” instead of “tweak”. See in tool options
Is this where I should be looking? Not seeing a “move” but that sounds hopeful. Any idea where that option might be?
No unfortunately regardless if im on Move or Tweak when I click and drag a vert in 4.2 it moves all selected verts instead of deselecting all the other ones.
Well my bad, seems like I imagined it. Furthermore I tested this in 4.2 and I’m getting the same behaviour you do. 3.6, 4.0 and 4.1 work like you described : tweaking deselects current selection instead of moving everything. I never relied on this behaviour so I probably wouldn’t have noticed, but I can confirm it changed in 4.2. Release notes mention this nowhere (https://developer.blender.org/docs/release_notes/4.2/). Might be a bug after all
Indeed, default changed in 4.1 to correspond to old behaviour, allowing to drag current selection.
You can restore 4.0 behaviour.
You just have to disable Only Select Unselected option of key of Tweak tool (fallback) in keymap.
Thanks, this works ! I need to think of summoning you whenever there’s a need for the most obscure Blender knowledge
Cheers !
Fantastic! However I’m not having luck finding that by searching any of those terms. What exactly do I search and change in Keymap?
Edit: Okay I found this but don’t have anything under (fallback) to disable
Hmm, I think I’m in the same section as you in the picture I sent, right? And I don’t have that. Did you add it manually?
This is the result of a globalization design process problem.
Originally the selection has been solved in quite a balanced way:
- picking a vertex on a selection clears existing selection and allow to drag such a vertex immediately.
- and dragging the entire selection was accessible by clickdragging on an empty space.
- Deselecting has been accessible with Akey.
The mechanics of dragging on empty space was used for quick miscellaneos operations in usecases with nice visual accessibility, Gizmos has been used for harder visually accessible usecases, Gkey has been used for even more complicated usecases which are incompatible with using gizmos - for example dragging the selection towards view which is impossible with gizmos, or manipulating complex selections with unpredictable geometrical centers, so you have to search for gizmo all the time in order to start transform operation.
Then clicking on empty space was reassigned to deselect everything (to fit 3dsmax-like behaviour), and the selection dragging functionality has been lost, bringing disbalance. Now dragging funtionality has been restored, but as a replacement to picking action, so picking action became clunky, also bringing disbalance, but in the other way.
Well, indeed there were lots of problems brought to picking selections during 2.8 redesign.
It is sort of a cursed circle of a selection redesign and attempts to fix the popping issues that forms different types of a disbalances.
For example, it take years to get clunky loop selection fixed by default, which is also related to picking actions.
Make sure your search field is empty
So I use right click select. Switching to left click does add those settings but I can’t even test it as I my left click doesn’t behave like right click for some reason. Either way I won’t switching to left click, which I’m not understanding why that would make a difference.
Originally the goal of rightclickselect behaviour is to justify using gizmos by providing nice picking selections through them.
In most of applications such a problem exists - picking gizmos and activating gizmos with the same mousebutton brings unpleasant collision, but in most of applications it was solved in the other way - by temporary disabling and enabling gizmos back and forth (like X key in max or alt+d key in c4d) which quickly became annoying during intense work, especially with high density meshes.
(Personaly I use leftckickselect with no-gizmo approach since I am exposed to editing complex models where gizmos-based approach fails at the concept level pretty quickly)
Gotcha. Personally I still use gizmos here and there. Not sure why left or right has any relation to fallback select but hoping someone knows.
Sure, gizmos are quite useful for many workflows, for example in animation they allow to handle all those local transforms typical for bones structures pretty smoothly.
Speaking of left and right there indeed was quite a split observed, but it is usually quite hard to report such an issues because of a lots of frontend/usability context to cover and explain.
In practice I often struggling with finding proper words to describe such issues properly…
I use gizmos constantly, though it does seem that some contingent of the old blender guard has some inherent fear or dislike of them.
And FWIW, I found this addon to improve gizmo behavior in Blender significantly.
Before 2.8 redesign, there was no active tool. Right click to select and tweak was default.
Concept of active tool was introduced in early 2.8 alphas.
Left click was used to trigger active tool action.
That was great for right click users.
But Left click users had to select by using another selection tool, by making a box selection. There was a keymap conflict.
So, Tweak tool was invented as a selection tool to satisfy left click users.
But it was not necessary for Right Click users. That was already default for Right Click users, without a conflict.
So, default keymap for Right Click Select does not need Tweak tool and don’t use it. There is the exact same shortcut panel to select with RMB, under 3D View (Global) section.
You can find option to disable, there.
Unless, you switch default for Right Mouse Select Action from Select & Tweak to Selection Tool.
If you do that ; you will have to use Tweak Fallback tool with Right Click Select.